When things happen... 

Welcome to the first entry of the Good Spirit Wellness blog.
It has been said that all things happen for a reason. And I think that I've always believed this. It used to be, however, that I'd try to seek out the WHY. I'd want to know the reason things were happening. From small things like, "Why was that guy such a jerk - cutting me off like that!?" to the bigger, "How is it that a person so in the prime of their life, with a young family, having so much promise for the future... can get a diagnosis of cancer with no chance of recovery?"
But then... is it really any of my business? I'm going to have to say I don't think so.
My own story isn't tragic, but it isn't small; in fact, it's a pretty significant one, because it got me where I am today, and helped me learn about myself. I did do a lot of wondering why I was being sent down the path that I was on. Coming up on 6 years after this journey began, I don't have all the answers, but I feel I'm beginning to understand. 

Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason." - John Mayer

Imposter Syndrome

I don’t know when I first heard the term “imposter syndrome” - definitely within the last 5 or 6 years. I also didn’t know what it meant … so, being the curious sort, I did some searching online.
One of the first definitions that came up was from the Oxford Languages Dictionary; it said imposter syndrome is, “the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.”
Hm. If ever I read something that made me think of, well, ME… this was it.
I think self-doubt is probably quite natural on some level. But what is it that makes us believe, or not believe, in ourselves? Maybe some of it is to do with nature… and some with nurture. Our genes and our environment. I’m no scholar, so I couldn’t tell you for sure, but it makes sense. The home you grow up in, the people you spend your time with, the relationships you’re in… can all have an impact on what you believe. If you hear “you’re worthless” enough times, you might start to believe it. If you’re told that you’re smart and beautiful, you might start to believe that.
One of my clients sent me a review today, about some of the Animal Reiki sessions we’ve had. I had to read it a few times over, because my immediate thought was, “This couldn’t be about me… maybe she meant to send this to someone else.”
But she meant to send it to me. And they were beautiful words, and they meant the world to me. 
One day, my natural reaction when I read kind words sent to me by a client or friend or family member… will simply to be thankful - and not doubt.

I still have a little imposter syndrome… It doesn’t go away, that feeling that you shouldn’t take me that seriously. What do I know? I share that with you because we all have doubts in our abilities, about our power and what that power is.” - Michelle Obama